Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Gift for some one you love

What is Gift????
A gift is the transfer or giving of something without any expectation of receiving something in return.
But do you not thing that this is the most unromantic description of gift. As per my feeling gift may be anything for SOME ONE YOU LOVE, for SOME ONE YOU CARE MOST. Gift is something which express your love, your emotion, your respect to someone who is really close to your heart. Gift may be anything, because it is priceless. In other look through gift you can express your feeling to others. For a boy or a girl giving a gritting card to express their love is a very common thing. In this case gritting card act as a gift. So we can find another feature of gift.
So one thing is very clear that gift is nothing but express your love, emotion, and respect to somebody you love.

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