Monday, June 6, 2011

“Rakhi” knot of protection

The conventional Hindu event “Rakhi” (knot of protection) was came into derivation about 6000 years back when Aryans created first empire - The Indus dell Civilization. With numerous languages and cultures, the conventional method to Rakhi festival party differs from place to place across India. Some historical evidences of Raksha Bandhan celebration from the Indian history are given bellow.
Rani Karnawati and monarch Humayun
The story of Rani Karnavati and monarch Humayun is the most important substantiation in the history. At some stage in the medieval era, Rajputs were struggle Muslim invasions. Rakhi just then destined a holy binding and security of sisters was leading. While Rani Karnawati the widowed ruler of the king of Chittor realized that she could in no way preserve the attack of the Sultan of Gujarat, Bahadur Shah, she sent a rakhi to monarch Humayun. The monarch touched by the motion started off with his troops with no slaying any time.

Alexander The Great and King Puru
The oldest mention to the fiesta of rakhi goes back to 300 B.C. at the time what time Alexander invaded India. It is believed that the grand defeater, King Alexander of Macedoniawas surprised by the fury of the Indian king Puru in his first effort. Disappoint by this, Alexander's wife, who had heard of the Rakhi fair, approached ruler Puru. King Puru conventional her as his sister and when the chance came throughout the warfare, he refrained from Alexander.
Lord Krishna and Draupathi
In sequence to guard the superior citizens, noble Krishna killed the wickedness King Shishupal. Krishna was injuring in the war and left with flow of blood finger. Observing this, Draupathi had ragged a narrow piece of cloth from her sari and tied just about his wrist to stop the bleeding. Lord Krishna, realizing her affections and anxiety about him, stated himself surrounded by her sisterly love. He promised her to pay back this liability whenever she need in expectations. Many years later on, when the pandavas lost Draupathi in the game of dice and Kauravas were removing her saari, Krishna helped her exquisitely elongating the saari so that they could not take away it.
King Bali and Goddess Lakshmi
the fiend king Mahabali was a great fan of lord Vishnu. As of his huge attachment, Vishnu has taken the task of defensive bali's realm leaving his usual place in Vikundam . Lakshmi - the wife of noble Vishnu - has become sad since of this as she required lord Vishnu the length of with her. So she went to Bali and discussed as a Brahmin lady and taken safe haven in his citadel. On Shravana purnima, she attached Rakhi on King Bali's wrist. Supernatural being Lakshmi exposed who she is and why she is there. The king was touched by her and Lord Vishnu's excellent willpower and love towards him and his relations, Bali requested Lord Vishnu to go with her to vaikuntam. Because of this fiesta is also called Baleva as Bali Raja's loyalty to the Lord vishnu. It is said that as that day it has become a custom to invite sisters on sravan pournima to tie blessed fiber of Rakhi or Raksha bandan.

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